Monday, May 12, 2014

I Have Returned

Greetings all, I have returned. I've had plenty of rest and am ready to forge ahead. My mom is as well as to be expected and I've structured a regiment where I can keep tabs and provide the assistance she needs on a regular basis. The first order of business is to clean up the worthless time consuming projects and focus more on the projects that are earning for me. This includes Fiverr and ASN. Obviously I've spread myself too thin. Additionally, there are a couple of projects that have completed that have to be addressed. Thought these projects earned little if anything at all, they were valuable teaching tools and experiences that revealed the work involved and the difficulties that have to be addressed for an ongoing campaign. When you think things are going smoothly, the bumps in the road are just ahead. There is always the possibility that some of the projects may be revisited with new marketing strategies.

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