Tuesday, November 19, 2013

LivePix 2.0 Deluxe

Here it is folks ... My so called "Quick & Dirty". This photo processing software has been discontinued however, you can still find copies on eBay and Amazon. I have no idea why it was discontinued. It is the easiest program that I've ever used with such top notch results (see attached samples). The Whitney Houston graphic almost looks 3D. I also used this program to make the little alien "About Me" logo to this blog (Resistance Is Futile). I am so familiar and skilled at using this program that I can run circles around the Photoshop amateur like I'm  Caprese Michelangelo ... LOL. So much so ... That I refuse to give it up. The learning curve is a snap, allowing you to be proficient in less than a week. If I'm not mistaken this program actually won an award for ease of use. It doesn't have all of the bells and whistles that the expensive packages have but, it can hold it's own in the industry. The cutout function has the best accuracy that I've encountered. When this program was popular it cost around $20 ... I got a copy at a thrift store for around $5. To this day I swear by this program and when I have a project in mind it is the first that I use to get things started. I've created custom calendars, post cards, pillow cases and T-shirts using heat transfer paper, to name a few projects that I've done. One very useful feature is the text alignment feature which allows you to align text in several different ways. This came in very handy when creating calendars. There is one drawback to this program ... It is not compatible with Windows 7 ... sighs! Nor does Windows OS rollback function during program installation work for it ... SMDH! Remember I said that I could not give it up? Well this program is one of the main reasons that I decided to reconfigured my system into a dual booting system having both Windows XP & Windows 7 Ultimate operating systems.Windows XP is still viable and most institutions such as medical facilities still use it ... I like to call it "Trouble Free XP". Almost all graphics professionals use more than one graphics program (like myself). I prefer to use more than one graphics program because different programs do different things better than others. I produced these graphic images  exclusively with Live Pix, no multitasking or other programs were used.

Sample 1

Sample 2

Sample 3

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