Friday, November 8, 2013

Zeitgeist Addendum (2008)

Why does it feel like the harder I work the less I get ahead? Why does it seem like money is not worth what it used to be? Why does it seem like no matter which political party we choose nothing much seems to change? These are questions that actually have simple answers once you know how the system is manipulated and how corruption is breed in the very nature of how these systems are set up. Is it really true that the rich get richer and the poor get poorer? Is it true that Juan coming across the border is the major reason that there is unemployment and taxes are so high? What is to become of out great nation, is it doomed to collapse and failure? The basic principles of nature, morality, logic ... answer a lot of these hard questions and clear up many of the myths and stereotypes which we all cling to in order to feel more secure or superior (good about ourselves). Corporate America, the government and the spin (a politically correct word for "To hell with the truth") put on history play a very large role in what we believe to be truth ... which in reality is not. You ever wonder why things that are put in place to supposedly help us actually do more harm than good? ... I think this documentary has that one covered too. Just as in "The Venus Project" a couple of posts back, the ideas here became a movement. This group is actually mentioned in "The Venus Project" and vice-verse. There are several sequels to this documentary that give a better idea of what the supporters of this group are about that can be found at the website ~~> The entire series can be downloaded freely. Unfortunately, the site has not been updated with the latest installment "Zeitgeist - Moving Forward (2011)". But I'm sure you pirates out there know exactly what to do to get it (wink).


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