Tuesday, November 19, 2013


The GIMP is an open source (FREE) alternative to Photoshop (The graphics industry standard). You can do anything with GIMP that you can do with Photoshop. The keyboard strokes may be a little different and there may be fewer or more steps involved in getting the job done ... But it can be done. GIMP is an acronym that stands for ... GNU Image Manipulation Program (formerly General Image Manipulation Program). GNU is an operating system similar to UNIX. I've used GIMP for a few years now and I love it's capability. Photoshop users find it confusing and a pain to use. Why? Because the special feature key combinations are different. A special feature in Photoshop may require you to press Alt + F5 ... While GIMP may require you to press CTRL + F9 for the same feature. There are tons of add-ons just as with Photoshop. As you can see from the screenshot, the dashboard is very similar to Photoshop. There are literally tons of videos on YouTube and free tutorials for both programs, so have no fear if you are a beginner. Speaking of beginners, I've found something very peculiar in my experience in graphics designs. It does not matter what program you use for the most part. Of course there are some tools available in the expensive packages that cannot be found in the less costly programs that allow you to do things that you couldn't do otherwise. However, it is the skill of the designer and his/her familiarity with the program used that makes all the difference. Case in point: I've created some graphics with my (quick and dirty as I like to call it) program that rivals work done by those who used Photoshop. Not the same images or projects but, my work looks great while the Photoshop users work looks amateurish. Wouldn't you like to know what my quick and dirty (program) is? Wouldn't you like to see some of the work that I've done with it? Well ... Your wish is my command, coming soon so stay tuned.

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