Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Earth 2100

Have you ever wondered what the world might be like 100 years from now? If you are in tune with the environment and are paying attention to what we as humans are doing to it ... This documentary may interest you. The population of the planet will soon reach 8 billion people. For the younger children, it may reach 10 billion by the time they are in their 50's or 60's unless there is a catastrophic event that wipes out a large percentage of the population. Funny thing is as a child in school I learned that this sort of thing took a thousand yeas or more. But now, the planets population is growing approximately 5% or more every generation, and that number (factor) is exponential in it's function (the calculus heads know what I'm talking about). How will the earth's resources be managed? The usurping (use without replacement of finite materials) of the earth's natural resources in the name of profits, will cause catastrophic events all over the world. These events will have consequences that are detrimental to the whole life existence of the planet. It will not matter if you are rich/poor, black/white, young/old, etc... Many will suffer more than others however, there may be light at the end of the tunnel if we (in the collective) act now. This is not a prognostication of gloom and doom, it is more of a warning of the potential hazards forthcoming if we do not make some fundamental changes in the way we live as humans. A character named "Lucy" is used as we look at her live over a period of nearly 100 years from now. There is actually two scenarios one good one bad for what the future may hold. Not necessarily for us, but perhaps for our children.


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