Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Announcing A New Category

Greetings folks. We all have material wants and needs that cost money however, at the same time we must learn to live within our incomes and means ... (budgets). Sometimes in order to acquire those things we put ourselves in debt for long periods of time to get them. Quite a few of us do other things to supplement our incomes or stretch our dollars as far as we can. This new category "Money & Finance", is more about that than anything else. I thought it would be a good compliment to this blog because I talk about a lot of expensive things. Some of us have limited and fixed incomes and still others are burdened with financial obligations that keep us strapped for cash. Here you will find out what others (including myself) are doing to save money, make the money to buy those things, invest time and/or money to reap rewards from your computer and the internet.

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