Tuesday, November 26, 2013

The Media Matrix - How Propaganda And Mass Media Are Impacting Americas Contact With Reality

Here's something for you to ponder. How much of ourselves is really us? I mean, the things we like/dislike, our beliefs, trusts/distrusts, etc... How much of that comes from within and how much of that comes from somewhere else? What other places? Television, the internet, advertising, the government, propaganda, and mass media. Truth is; all of these entities play a very large part in shaping us spiritually, emotionally, and mentally. Some of the techniques in the past, thought of as brain washing Gestapo tactics are actually currently used in everyday television advertising and product promotions. Techniques used in modern day warfare such as propaganda and disinformation are used by politicians in their election platforms and by the government to take advantage of it's own citizens. These advantages are used to keep the citizens in line or usually for the purposes of catering to the wealthy elite (whom have political power with the funds to support lobbyists), feeding it's greedy corporations or to sure up run away spending and shortfalls in taxation. Massive shifts in the paradigms thought of as "normal behavior" have occurred at a mind blowing pace in the last couple of decades. This documentary uses the movie "The Matrix" to compare and contrast to the machine of this day and age (all mass media) that accomplishes this without most of us having a clue of what is happening to us. I found this documentary to be very thought provoking in this sense: I thought I was safe because I'm not a big TV person, I'm an internet junkie. Truth is ... Radio, TV, Internet, Advertising, etc... are all a part of this machine, "The Media Matrix" according to this documentary.




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