Saturday, November 2, 2013


Imagine your home being made by means of the plastic waste of plastic soda bottles, trash bags, and supermarket bags recycled and extruded from a big apartment making machine. This machine is built to maintain, upgrade, and re-fabricate (make it's own parts) itself as well. The entire apartment building can be shrunken or expanded as community living quarters needs change. Jacque Fresco is a man who has devoted much of his life to not only redesigning the way in which we use material things but also redesigning behavior and culture as we know it. I've included some photographs of models of this housing, the types of communities, and future design by this man's ideas. His ideas are so incredibly fascinating that they actually started a movement. When I first viewed this it seemed a bit strange and odd. As I listened and sort of tuned in if you will ... I was so impressed with this man's plans and ideas that I had to share. One of the most influential parts of the film is how our culture views the purpose of money and what it is used for. The monetary system seems to be the major entity that enslaves our culture physically, mentally, and spiritually. Funny thing is, this notion of being enslaved by our jobs, money, and living standards seems to be a common eco-political/socio-political thread that weaves it's way through all free thinkers.


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