Sunday, December 22, 2013

Make Money On Everything ... LMAO

The All Solutions Network Plan

After taking a look at the network and getting a grasp how it works I started to get some ideas. I’m no guru by any standard but I would like to think that I know enough about marketing, the internet, and plain ordinary common sense to realize if there is any potential in a prospective financial endeavor. Bottom line, I have a few skills and I saw an opportunity here. Make money on everything, doesn’t cost a dime. It sounded too good to be true, sounded stupid … LOL. But … FREE!!! There’s nothing to lose, so common sense urged me to look into it. I’m sure I won’t get rich … But I may supplement my income enough to pay off a couple of bills. Hopefully, a couple of the biggest bills … lol. Watch the video and join me. I’m gonna ride this till the wheels fall off.

Check out the video here -

Free website, training, and other marketing materials are available. Just a little hard to find them on the messy text bloated website. I immediately started to think about ways in which I could market and promote this. Fiverr, YouTube, Facebook, Twitter and a few others all came to mind. Advertising blasting software could be used because of the wide scope of potential prospects. I thought about how huge the sponsor markets were (Sears, Amazon, Wal-Mart, Etc…).

The first thing to do was to try a couple of the offers myself to get the required "quick start points" out of the way. You have to maintain a certain level of points to be eligible for payments. From there I will get my down line built up as large as I can as quickly and inexpensively as possible. Everyone in the down line automatically gets training emails from the website (smiles). There has to be an ongoing recruitment marketing component that is on autopilot, set it and forget it.

I've done a little research and read a forum or two regarding All Solutions Network. Both good and bad things were said. After viewing what they had to offer and realizing that some of the tools could be used in my affiliate marketing endeavors,  I decided to take a chance, see what it's all about, and judge for myself. Most of the bad reviews were from those that didn't do anything to earn anything, were impatient and couldn't wait for that first check (misunderstood how the "points" system work and thought they'd be flooded with payments in a few days if not hours), or were overwhelmed by what they saw and thought a ton of work was required. I also went over to to check the mother site out. See here ==> The assessment was: The site is safe and very popular but has had some negative reviews, but I already knew about the negatives. It also say's that 3800+ recommended it on Google. That certainly works for me. The two duly noted things I got from the forums were: One - Don't expect the first check for at least 2 months (one month to account for your registered points and another month for actual disbursements). I gave this one the benefit of the doubt because I suspect that this is a small operation without an army of employees to get things done and many hundreds if not thousands of participants. And Two, always keep points or you won't get paid. Use it, share it ... GET PAID !!! Promote it ... GET PAID EVEN MORE !!!  Simple enough ... Let's get started.

STEP 1 (WEEK 1): Preparation
I gathered as many of the tools and registered with as many of the sites required to begin a marketing campaign as I could. I already have Facebook, Twitter, Fiverr, YouTube, ClickBank, and PayPal accounts. Since Twitter will be used it would be a good idea to use something to shorten a URL due to the limited number of characters that you can use in a post. This will also cloak sensitive resource information like an affiliate ID for example. I found a FREE one that works in conjunction with Twitter and Facebook allowing you to post directly to them from the URL shortening site. It provides number of visits stats also (the first one below). Unfortunately I don't have many Twitter followers yet but, Fiverr will solve all that. Note: Don't purchase a Twitter followers gig on Fiverr because most use programs that setup bots as fake followers. This may look good but, the only purpose it could be used for is to attract a little interest to see "why" others are following you. Twitter has a add-on, which I use, to secure "real" followers by requiring them to click a response link before added to your account. We want people that are "ready" to take action, i.e. join the network. So you should purchase hundreds if not thousands of Tweets and re-tweets (the viral effect) of your promotional video with links to the ASN recruitment video, have a "Call To Action" and let the video do it's job recruiting for you. Additionally, Twitter has a sister or add-on site called JustRetweet ( which may help tremendously with the viral aspect in Tweeting. After looking around a little more I concluded that I could also use some of the promotional tools for ClickBank products and combine these efforts with my Fiverr interests also. To begin I will focus on two or three niches. I chose the Health & Fitness/Weight Loss niche because most Americans are over weight and some will be looking to lose a few pounds after over eating these holidays. I also chose the Gambling niche because it is full of people that continuously need financial help. Some will never stop gambling because they are addicted, and some will try anything to win while at the same time having low expectations of doing so.

Here are a couple of the FREE web based services to shorten URL's.

Better than Tiny URL -
And then there’s - from which you can earn money. However, not all sites accept “” links.

I will keep links that have to be shortened handy. A capture page will be needed and utilized to build an email list. Make sure to make one for the site landing page. NOTE: ASN has a capture page built in. It appears to the prospect right after signing up to join the network. All affiliate offers below will need seperate capture pages. I can give "FREE LIFETIME MEMBERSHIP" to ASN as a "Thank You" on those capture pages.

Affiliate Products Promotion

The affiliate products "MUST" be products that have heavy keyword traffic. I want to maximize both traffic and exposure. Traffic is nothing if no one is captured via viewing (exposure) the offer. People have to actually "click" to see the offer. The affiliate sites keyword search ranks can be looked up via Google Analytics, if I'm not mistaken. I will need to use those keywords in order to get many views for my capture pages. More on how to do that later. Though there is income potential with the affiliate products, they are also a catalyst to the incentive to join ASN in my down line. The affiliate programs I chose are listed below.

1 - Fat Loss Factor (Great Seller, ClickBank)
2 - The Venus Factor (Great Seller, ClickBank)
3 - The Graphics Fire Sale (Ultimate Internet Marketers Package, ClickBank)
4 - Fully Verified Winning System Sports Betting Since 1999 & Vip Club Picks! (Big Ticket, ClickBank)
5 - Sports Cash System (Low Initial Purchase Price Hook, ClickBank)

Almost all of the above affiliate products have recurring payment plans (future residual income). The combination of these products narrow to three targeted market niches; Health/Weight Loss, Gambling/Betting, and Internet Marketing. In my quick assessment I would say that the larger general market niche (or at least one of them) is "Opportunities". All of the affiliate products offer "re-sell" commissions, as does ASN. Only difference, ASN is free, and as such can also be used as a premium (gift). Many of the sites individual products and services as well as a couple of the affiliate products can be marketed and sold on craigslist. I think I have software that allows you to post many ads to many cities. I'll be digging deep into my hard drives to find that one. Additionally, I will make some of these tools available to you from this site via DropBox (See DropBox post). Hmmm ... I wonder if there is a way to be a direct affiliate via Amazon or Wal-Mart and an indirect affiliate via ASN at the same time getting an affiliate double dip sort of speak. Anybody have any idea, please let me know.

Blog Campaign Progress & Status Link - (This Page)

I will want a recurring promotional aspect to keep a perpetual down line on autopilot. Tools used will be inexpensive repetitive ad blasts and scheduled social media blasts. Response from blasts will be captured to build a list. Therefore the building of the list will have a perpetual autopilot aspect also. Those lists might be separated into different niches. I am currently using advertising via (AdLand Pro, 6 months, USFreeAds, 37 days, Classifieds For Free, manually renewable respectively) These are recurring advertisements. Free for all (FFA) sites get daily exposure. I used to shorten & track links. I’ll be looking for more of these types of advertising sites. Eventually, if all goes well and funds start to trickle in, I will walk through FaceBook's front door and start a Pay Per Click (PPC) campaign. A FaceBook PPC Campaign can be tweaked to promote to razor sharp targeted prospects and thereby acquire razor sharp targeted traffic. Another avenue to pursue is eBay classifieds because one, ebay is a huge market, and two, most advertisers are selling digital products while I'll be giving away something totally FREE. eBay ads are $10 a pop for a month. It would be a double plus for this campaign because I can also promote the affiliate products there which all will have the ASN Lifetime Membership "FREE GIFT" on all capture pages. Remember you are giving away something that can earn you money. All you have to do is show people how to surf to Amazon, Wal-Mart, or Sears through the site ... Instruct them to do the same, and the points and referral fees flow through the system. Hmmmm ... Sounds like a nice Android app idea (wink).

I have completed my initial points for the "fast start" requirements. A total of 8 points for getting two auto insurance quotes. I did the copy and paste thing to confirm my points and am looking forward to kick starting my recruitment campaign. I took this route because I know that auto insurance quotes are always FREE. I also collected my gift certificates as my thank you. Can't wait till I'm able to take advantage of all of the travel vouchers. I might get a few phone calls from hungry sales reps for the auto insurance quotes, but I'll just tell them that I chose "The General" for my auto insurance needs. After the holidays I intend to start a 3 Alarm Recruitment Fire! STAY TUNED to see how that turns out. I'm currently working on simple text videos to promote on YouTube. I'll use Fiverr (See The Fiverr Files posts) to blast promote to FaceBook, Twitter and YouTube. With Fiverr I can promote literally to millions via FaceBook's backdoor. With Fiverr I can promote to hundreds of thousands who use Twitter. I'll include a viral aspect compelling those who've been tweeted to re-tweet one way or another, or to get a friend to join for FREE along with them. The text video will of course have the video link in the beginning of this blog post for recruiting purposes and perhaps this blog link for status and progress reports. I can purchase YouTube views on Fiverr to get a high ranking for my videos and thereby drive traffic to the enrollment video and this blog also. I've also found a pic via Google images to use as a splash page for classified ads. Maybe I'll do my graphics magic later, but they're good for now to get things started. I can always improve them at a later time after I have things running smoothly. You can actually get someone on Fiverr to make a professional video for promotional purposes for $5. I definitely will consider this at a later time. The text video and splash page are below.

MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE !!! Today 12/25, I posted 3 ads on craigslist for recruitment. This is one of the ways to increase or keep points in your account. Some or all of the ads may get flagged or ghosted because of their policies, but I have ways around that. For now, just want to see if I get attention.

The ads on craigslist appear as below:

FREE Money Making Website


Do you or your friends shop online? At Wal-Mart? Sears? Amazon? If not you should. These places will deliver straight to your door for FREE. How would you like to get paid every time you or your friends shopped at these places? Amazing network makes it possible. And you get a FREE website to promote this FREE service to make even more $$$. You also get FREE training on it's use via email. Join me to see what I'm doing to make this work on a higher level as a promoter.

Begin Here ~~>

When doing this (promoting pages from your site) you have to make sure that your network ID is in the URL (right after "cgi/" towards the end). If not you may not get credit for the earned points. Keep in mind that all of the pages/products/services that I promote are actually pages from the FREE website given to you by All Solutions Network (ASN). I posted this ad to my home town (Buffalo, NY) and 2 other major cities (Midtown Manhattan, NYC and Central LA California). I'll get to the cities in between them eventually ... lol. I'm still looking for that craigslist ad posting software that I have buried somewhere to make this simpler. This was done to add points to my network account. Something like this should be done as much as possible to build and maintain points in your account. I'm still gathering marketing tools and setting things up for the launch. The OFFICIAL LAUNCH will be within a week to 10 days so ... STAY TUNED !!!

STEP 2 (WEEK 2): Research
UPDATE 12/30/13 - Good News / Bad News

You should never dive into any opportunity type of endeavor without first doing some research. You should be looking for things like: Total short term and long term costs, requirements outside of payment (if any) such as time effort, physical effort, learning curve, feedback or complaints, product quality, etc... I have done some research and have some concerns that I'll try to keep in perspective. After all, I'm sure that Microsoft gets a ton of complaints too, and Microsoft is an American Fortune 500 company.

The site from which I gathered most of my "Intel," if you will, is listed below.

The Bad News First

As I suspected, this is a small business with 2 to 4 total employees. I'm sure that a couple of these employees have their focus on specific tasks. That being the case, I can fully understand why some things may go overlooked, delayed, or undone. Additionally, you have to account for sickness, personal problems, and the fact that an employee or two may only be there on a part time basis and actually have another full time job. The average person does not consider these things but, it does bring about a certain amount of concern. Imagine only one person trying to keep up with 200 - 300 accounts and those account holder's concerns. I did a little more research and found that the site is safe. Google assured me of this here ==>

There was a total of over 36,000 complaints over 15 years (from 1998). That number averages close to 2500 complaints a year. About half of those are directly towards ASN or the services which it directly provides. Web hosting should be excluded because I doubt if ASN has a basement full of servers to provide hosting services to the masses (potentially thousands). ASN is most likely an affiliate for those services. The electric bill would be 5 grand+ a month ... lol. They should still have an IT person there to take care of things like domain transfers and other technical aspects to get up and running. The other half of the complaints are directed towards it's sponsors. You cannot blame a business for it's sponsors shortcomings but, you can conclude that it was not very thorough in it's research of those sponsors before selecting them. Those numbers aren't relatively high when you consider that ASN ignored the #1 rule of internet marketing ... KEEP IT SIMPLE. The website is a nightmare to navigate with it's bloated text appearance. It may not seem like much but, it actually puts you in the mindset to look for "ANYTHING" else wrong or objectionable. Keep in mind that it is highly unlikely that a business could stay in business for 15 years if it were screwing "everybody" over. Therefore, it is safe to assume that at least a small percentage of individuals are actually successful at this business. I intend on doing everything that I can to be in that small select group of successful participants (smiles).

The recurring complaints that concerned me most were:

1) Continued billing for hosting services after cancellation (because of slow speed) - The hosting is probably specifically for your ASN site. I don't see the need for high speed on a site that is basically text and hyperlinks. As far as recurring billing after cancellation, think about it. Have you seen those sites that say, "FREE but your credit card number is needed for verification, you will not be billed?" Have you ever given your credit card number? I hear you, me either ... lol. A prudent person would use a prepaid card for recurring payments to a business they're unfamiliar with or feel their billing practices are questionable (that would include damn near all online businesses and services in my opinion ... lol). Case closed!

2) The business/company seemingly holding them hostage and not releasing them or their credit card from billing - For the computer savvy, cleaning your cookies and editing your registry should accomplish this. Additionally, see #1 ... HA! It is claimed that you don't EVER have to spend ANYTHING ... So why would you? I think it is up to ASN to prove itself to me FIRST ... Then I "MAY CONSIDER" spending a few bucks with them. Until then, my money will be spent with the companies I am familiar with or at least businesses that have been referred by a friend or trust worthy colleague. Use most of the money that you choose to invest for 3rd party traffic sources for recruitment purposes and not much else. After all, seeing how this system is suppose to work, that is where (your down line) almost all of your residual income will be coming from.

I would say that somewhere in the area of 10% - 20% of all of the complaints are frivolous or unwarranted at best. Most got burned by one of the sponsors and trashed the entire ASN for it. For example, there were some complaints about not receiving points. Remember I said a couple paragraphs up that you have to make sure that your ID is in the URL of the pages which you are promoting? I found a few pages thet were actually examples and the "real" promotional pages were found after digging a little deeper. In the quagmire of bloated text, things can get a little confusing. It's up to "YOU" to take your time, make sense of it all, and be "ABSOLUTELY" certain that you are performing the task which you desire. I'm sure that this was the root cause of some of those complaints. There is no "promise" anywhere in this system that "everything" is easy and 100% fool proof and perfect. The ASN business model, if it works, is a great one. You are not spending anything to participate outside of what you normally would while shopping. My advice: Don't be a fool ... lol. As P. T. Barnum founder of Barnum And Bailey Circus said, "There's one born every minute." Look before you leap ... Just as I am doing here. No one can ever know "all" of the tricks and traps out there. However, you only need to know a few to protect yourself from most of them. Never expose and give access to the entirety of your savings, finances, and or credit to anyone. It is quite foolish to do so.

Though these things concern me ... They will not deter me from my goal ... To give a full fledged honest review. This blog is for an "experience" review. That is what I intend to do. I am fearless because I know my limitations, have realistic expectations, and am using proven marketing techniques. Money is not an issue because I will not be spending "major" money until I am making major money. If however, what you have heard makes you a little leery or hesitant to proceed ... STOP! Do not continue any further because this is obviously not for you.

The Good New Last

There were no complaints regarding the big three major sponsors (WalMart, Sears, And Amazon). This leads me to believe that these are the best or the safest things to promote. Likewise, there were no complaints regarding the gas, grocery or vacation vouchers. The vouchers can easily command interest in these times of financial hardship for many and are more than likely a safe bet also.

In my quest for additional marketing tools and techniques, I've done some things and found some things that may be helpful. I'm continuously working on increasing my twitter followers, approaching 150 now. I'm also considering using one of the many tools to get even more followers. I haven't decided on which one yet, but I am undecided between 2 or 3. I've found an ASN presence on YouTube, Facebook, and Twitter ... That's good news because it let's me know that this company is not unheard of. The impression that I get from those three sources is almost all positive ... again, good news. Keeping in mind that most of these individuals are promoters and certainly wouldn't have anything bad to say about the business.

Speaking of YouTube ... I have an add-on to my Firefox browser which allows me to download YouTube videos. A couple of the YouTube download add-on programs can be found on Google's add-on site. There were a couple videos (Videos 1 & 2) that were very good, yet between them both had less than 100 views. One of them was made on Animoto, a free site to make videos. The last one (Video 3) was posted 2 years ago and had less than 20 views. Using Fiverr and a site like TubeMogul could get much more views. This will give your video a higher ranking on YouTube making it more visible to viewers in general. More than one video should be used along with tracking to test their effectiveness.

Here are those videos below:

YouTube Video 1

YouTube Video 2

YouTube Video 3

Things are starting to firm up a bit. Meaning I have decided the marketing paths to take and implement. My expectations are to recruit at least 10 to my down line. I will spend no more than $50 and expect to earn at least $75 (or 50% above my investment if it is not $50, i.e. if I spend $30, I expect to earn $45). It may take a little time to see my returns as things move rather slowly as per my research. If all fails, this is actually a component to a larger campaign (remember the ClickBank products). I may have to consider major surgery and removal of this aspect of the campaign. I am a little behind but, the full blown marketing effort will be launched in less than 5 days ... STAY TUNED.

STEP 3 (WEEK 2.5): The Launch
There are probably as many ways to launch a campaign as there are types of campaigns. The method can be organized and arranged as "step A comes before step B," or the method can seemingly be a hodgepodge of "Hits or Misses," never the less there is a method to the madness. The keyword being method. There is usually a systematic approach to reaching the customer and promoting your product or service. The means can be: Video Marketing, Viral Marketing, Social Media Marketing, Opted-In Email Promotions, and a host of other ways to get exposure. Since I have not acquired a list of customers yet, that task will be moved down the list of priorities for now. My primary focus will be exposure and tracking my efforts and returns in order to determine if the campaign is worthy of continuance and or further investment. If the answer is yes, then things should be scaled up and there should be consideration for the "ALL IN" game plan as they say in poker. Keep in mind that "ALL IN" does not mean that you're spending your last dime (your rent and grocery money). All in means that you are spending most if not all of the "budget" you have set aside for the purposes of marketing promotions. My budget for this campaign is $50 maximum. The budget is small at this time because I am merely testing the waters sort of speak, in order to determine whether my ideas, plan is worthy of scaling up (putting more time and money into).
Basically, there are two methods of internet marketing launches. There is a count down type of launch where there is an actual count down to product availability. This count down can be to the day or to the minute. Usually a series of events are all released simultaneously. Emails are blasted out to remind customers of the count down event and product delivery techniques are cued up and put on standby. These types of campaigns are best suited for: Seminars, Limited "One Time" Offers, Software Bundle Offers, Training Videos, and similar items. I had the opportunity to see one of these campaigns LIVE. It was only 2 people, an internet marketer and his mom as assistant. To see those dollars start rolling in as his "Roll Out" occurred, if you will, was absolutely awesome. This is the "ATM" effect. Some day perhaps, but enough for wishful thinking at this time.

The second type of internet marketing launch is more of a methodical series of steps. A series of calculated steps to achieve a desired end are performed. The means here can be: Test-Review-Retest, Targeted Marketing Tactics, Advertising & Followup Campaigns, and similar efforts. The key here is that there are promotions that are measured or tracked and afterwards fine tuned for efficiency and optimum results then reiterated, its done all over again (repeated). This is the approach that I will be taking. Thankfully, the links URL shortening service will handle almost of the tracking work for me. I will be using a 10 step approach whereby "something" will be done every single day for 10 days straight. In this approach I will be laying down a foundation upon which a campaign can be developed, launched and the steps can be easily reiterated until completion at any time or upon scheduled designated times. Therefore, documentation is essential. This blog is also my documentation (toot toot).

Upon completion of my campaign my expectations are as follows: A dramatic increase in views of the ASN recruiting page in addition to this blog page. This blog page will also be used as a training tool. I expect to obtain 5 to 10 members in my down line. I also expect some spillover of my efforts into other aspects of the overall campaign, namely Fiverr gig and ClickBank product sales. The financial investment that I make, I hope to recoup plus 50% profit. Keep in mind that these types of campaigns grow exponentially. Therefore on a "ALL IN" roll out where there is substantially more invested, the returns could reach levels of 400% to 500% profit or more. Below you will find the current viewership stats for the ASN project. At this time most of the clicks were made by myself during testing to see if the clicks were actually counted and the source of those clicks displayed.

Below are the current statistics directly from for the ASN pages I have so far. They should be easy to identify ... lol. So far most of the views are my own. I expect these numbers to explode into possibly thousands. Below the stats are the 10 steps (days 1 - 10) of the marketing plan for exposure and recruitment. At first glance you may wonder, why am I using all of these methods for traffic generation. Simple, some methods are not very effective, some don't work at all, some are super fantastic. The only way to tell which are the best is to try many, keep tabs on performances, scale up on the winners, faze out the losers. Additionally, contrary to what you may want to believe, problems can occur. I have already confronted a hurtle or two that I'll have to overcome. More on that after this 10 day campaign roll out. It is then when I can refocus and address situations that require fine tuning. The important thing now is to get the foundation laid out.

Day 01 - Saturday 01/04/14 - The Matrix

On this day, in this marketing section the focus is on Multilevel Marketing (MLM) and Matrix type Marketing. Similar to viral marketing the potential for views is explosive therefore it may be prudent to consider somehow funneling  video promotions through this means. MLM and Matrix Marketing are best suited for "FREE" promotions. They are very effective however, have been given a bad rap due to scams selling worthless information type items. This as with all other days/sections in the future will remain open to additions and revisions as deemed appropriate. There will be other snapshots of traffic 30 and 60 days after this shot. The websites and resources below were used today to facilitate this type of marketing. I'm absolutely certain that  there will be more to follow. The way most of  the matrix type promotions work is by filling in your down line. A lot of people drop out because they don't do anything to fill in those spots. I will be promoting via Twitter and ReTweet to fill those in. - Free traffic exchange matrix that goes 15 levels deep and claims to peak out at 250,000,000+ visitors or views. I don't know about all that, we'll see. I'll be happy to get 1% of that number. I'd be ecstatic if 1/10th of 1% of the traffic that I do get converts (sales/signups). My estimates/expectations are very conservative. This type of market is best suited for the recruitment (Free Money Making Website) page and the Free gas, grocery, vacation voucher page. The problem with this type of marketing is that many in the down line drop out. This exchange has a monthly cycle thereby allowing me to re-post my ads monthly. - Free traffic exchange matrix that goes 6 levels deep. Promises 1,000,000+ unique and real visitors. Suited for marketing the same type of pages as above. I actually have little confidence in these types of marketing vehicles. My preference is paid marketing. In paid marketing you save a lot of time. You can determine whether a campaign is potentially profitable immediately. Whereas in FREE advertising/marketing you cannot tell because there is no breakeven/profit benchmark to gauge performance/efficiency upon.This exchange has a monthly cycle. - This site will be used primarily to promote this blog. Keep in mind that this blog is also a gateway to the recruitment ASN site. This blog is also an avenue for training. Because of the ReTweet rules, blogs with original content are best suited for its use. I still haven't concluded whether this application is MLM, Matrix or Viral. I put it here because I started here, I'll let you decide which it is. The ReTweet site has no limitation or cycle in its use, just no spamming allowed. The definition that it has for spamming is rather loose so caution is advised. One of the reasons that I decided to stick to promoting the blog with it is because it defines "promotional" type advertisements as spam. The good news is that Tweets are targeted and promotions are passed on to FaceBook and Google+. I chose the Online Marketing Niche.

Day 02 - Sunday 01/05/14 - Big Bangs, Little Bucks

Day two, the focus will be paid traffic. As mentioned earlier paid advertising is the cheapest form of marketing. Its the cheapest because of the time it saves due to its built-in measuring tool. That tool is known as the break even point. You can use the break even point to set a profit margin and thereby determine if a project is worth pursuing further or worthy of the "ALL IN" effort or a losing proposition and should be dropped like a hot potato rather quickly. FREE promotions don't have such a measuring stick and you're left guessing most of the time because you have no reference numbers to follow as guides. How do you determine what is profitable when there is no point from which to draw a reference from. The trick with paid advertising is to get the biggest bang for your buck. Get as much service, impressions, views, insertions, as you can for each and every dollar that you spend. For such inexpensive resources targeted traffic is a little much to hope for but, keep your eyes open none the less. For this portion of the campaign I'll choose Fiverr for resources. I can get a ton of work done on the cheap. At least half of the $50 dollar budget will be spent here for recruitment and building a down line as that is where the majority of my residual income will come from. Much of the other half of the budget that is left might go towards supplies. Below are the contacts and their respective marketing offers which I purchased at $5 each unless stated otherwise.
stephann  - Provides promotion of website, blog, link, etc to 20,000,000 on FaceBook And Twitter. Additional gigs include: The same for 2 URL's at $15 for 2 days, and 5 links URL promotion for $20. 97% Rating 36 Votes, 18% Cancellation Ratio. This seller has a 99% Rating with 99 Votes (which is good). The possible traffic that can be generated is more impressive than anything else. For the data that I have collected so far, the FREE Money Making Website seems to be getting the most attention (wink). The Voucher program would be a good candidate also. Both will be promoted here. The video link of course would be the recruitment video. I'll purchase the service for 2 URL links at $15.

realwebvisitors - Offers unlimited monthly traffic at $5 per month. Includes placement on their FaceBook page of 9000+ likes, AdSense content safe, and Google Stats Link. This is a trusted level 2 seller with a 99% Rating and 1086 Votes (which is superb). The other gigs available are not very useful to this campaign. I will purchase 1 months service at $5 to start things rolling, with plans to purchase again next month.

tweets_asap - Offers tweet of a website to 500,000 Twitter followers. 100% Rating 402 Votes (excellent). Other gigs include: The same thing 3X for $10, 5X for $20, promote to FaceBook group of 2,000,000 for $10, deliver in 1 day for $5 extra. I will purchase the 3X deal for $15 which includes tweets and FaceBook promotions.

I've spent $35 here and there is $15 left in the budget. Hopefully I won't go over budget. I'm certain that I won't go far over it if I do. I hope to see some immediate traffic and an eventual build up. Gonna knock Bruce Castro's server's offline with all the traffic ... lol. Bruce is the owner of ASN. I will probably come back to Fiverr for the video portion of the campaign. STAY TUNED !!!

Every time you see this light bulb I should have your ATTENTION!

LOL ... Life is too short to be uptight about a little humor, even if it's twisted and warped. Seriously though, the light bulb usually means that I have an idea that borders along the line of a stroke of genius. In my marketing endeavors I came across something called arbitrage. It is where you find items in one market for a lower price than they are in another market and of course you take advantage of that and sell from the lower priced market to the higher priced market. This is done quite effectively by some crafty hustlers between eBay and Amazon. Amazon usually being the supplier because of its ability to handle all shipping aspects at no cost to the seller, including plain label shipping. Might it not be possible to purchase you arbitrage items through ASN thereby keeping your points high and also getting entitled discounts/rebates in the process. This sounds like a real winner to me if anyone is involved in that sort of thing. Sometimes it is clever to combine resources, services, or systems to get an even higher return. This is done all the time in the pharmaceutical industry where they combine medications to get what's called a cocktail effect. It's also done in the technology industry where technologies are bridged as they say to get a better performing device or tool.

Day 03 - Monday 01/06/14 - This Can Get Sick

When launching a marketing campaign viral marketing cannot be ignored. It is one of the most powerful forms of internet marketing in existence today. Many of the most well known businesses got started with viral marketing. Hotmail, FaceBook, Gmail, to name a few all got started using viral marketing. This part of the campaign will involve viral marketing. The wonderful thing about viral marketing methods is that ... most are absolutely free. I've ran across a couple that I am going to implement. Pay close attention here. You will not only see phase two of learning (experience) in action ... You will see why this is called "YOUR" plan. It is the ideas that you come up with to utilize the tools that you have to make them perform better which makes it "YOUR" plan. BE A LEADER, NOT A FOLLOWER!!! Don't do what I do, learn from what I do and use these methods in "YOUR" plan.

Here we go ... - I don't really consider this websites offer truly viral. However it can be bridged with another service to give it a viral like function in it's application. This site is similar to and has the exact same use and application as used on day 01. I consider this to be a matrix or MLM type of application. Not only is it good to have two of these matrix type marketing applications, its even better to separate them and do things slightly different with each of them. Track them to see which one performs the best. With this one I intend to bridge its function with ReTweet to give it a viral effect. I am currently working on building up my points on ReTweet (viewing tweets, following participants, and scheduling retweets) in order to give this a full fledged effort. There is no sense in retweeting a couple dozen times. There is also the option to purchase points on ReTweet. The catch? Yes there is one. You WILL receive a few email solicitations. However, the signup site informs you of this and lets you know that it's up to you to decide how you'll use them. You can even direct them to your recycle bin, from them not me. ~Pending Post~ ~Pending Post~ - This web based browser add-on is truly viral in its application. However, it requires you to install and use a toolbar. SPAM ALERT!!! Usually these types of offers are nothing more than a way to bombard you with spam popups and eventually if not right off the top infiltration into your email. Well, considering the potential upside, I am willing to risk getting a little spam. I can always flag and direct said spam to the good ole recycle bin ... From me not them ... HA! I was so impressed with the possibilities of this web based application that I thought I'd share with you the great review that I found on YouTube below. These types of applications are great to funnel YouTube videos through. Doing so will increase your video's ranking making it more visible to attract even more views. A good one may even go viral. Another marketing tactic is to search for high traffic YouTube videos and ask the uploader if you may place a link on their video. You may have to offer a small incentive. What's a good incentive? How about telling them about one of the traffic matrices ... Tell them to join you and you will do the same. In this way you actually help each other. This would actually help their FREE website earn. That's just an example ... I'm sure you can think of something that would have value

Day 04 - Tuesday 01/07/14 - FFA's ... A Lot Of Work But Worth It

FFA stands for "Free For All." As indicative of it's name, that is exactly what it is. A place to freely advertise almost anything. The amazingly wonderful thing about FFA is: There is no such thing as spam! You can literally post anything you want daily without a problem in most cases. Might not sound significant but, spamming can get your account suspended by both your email client and your ISP (Internet Service Provider). Views for FFA are not that great, regardless of what exposure the FFA provider says you'll get. However, if you do what others are not doing you can put yourself ahead of the pack. What are others not doing? Automating the process. You can use a good auto-responder to set up automatic posts for you daily for example. Use a different messages with the same links to keep interest levels high. If not, an article submitter or ad submitter. I'm sure there are some free ones out there somewhere. Admittedly, this is something that I have to work on but, my excuse (for now) is that we are (I am) just getting the foundation of everything in place ... WHEW! ... Cleaned that one up ... lol. For now, I'll be doing things the old fashioned way. I'll keep my eyes open and you do the same (might get uploaded to my downloads section). Be forewarned, all auto-responders are not the same. Some are stand alone applications, some are plug-ins (for WordPress for example) that require a hosting service, there are some that are purely web based, and of course free/paid types as well. Depending on your campaign model, you'll have to decide which one works best for you. This can be a lot of work because it is best to subscribe to many of these FFA sites (20, 30, or even 50), track performances, post daily, weed out the losers, and keep it going. It's worth it because people talk. Not exactly viral but, more like word of mouth. People "WILL" spread the word if they are pleased with what you offer. I will do my best to set up 5 FFA's today and continue to add to them as time goes by. AdBounds is a great place to start FFA advertising. You are started with one free ad that lasts for a month. It is posted to many websites, blogs, advertising sites. Additionally, the popular social media links are provided to post to them directly from the site. Additional ads can be purchased at a flat fee of $3 for a 1 month run. A $60 monthly budget can go a long way here. Allows you to post ads via zip code. The zip code does not have to be your own but, it may be best to start there depending on what you are doing. I chose 60629 Chicago Illinois because it has the 2nd largest population in the US, the 1st is Puerto Rico (found that info here => Your ad is exposed to 30 million buyers in print and online. Additionally, exposure includes, 65 classified magazines and the site itself. They list a few of their advertising sources, Backpage and being the most popular ones that I recognize. Unfortunately, for this FFA site the posting policies are very strict and you may have to revise a couple times. The first ad is good for 3 weeks. This advertising touts 100% free web, mobile, desktop and email advertising, no catch. Free accounts can get as many as 1,000 impressions daily (banner ads and such). Ads are displayed all over of their network (and their sponsors), which includes hundreds of websites, mobile apps and desktop applications. The ad title and neither of the 3 description lines can contain more than 4 uppercase letters. Ads go live immediately. Other than that ... It's all good. Not much here regarding what the site offers (exposure, impressions, postings, etc...). No duplicate ads are permitted. No sign up required, just post and go. Your ad goes live immediately. Photos are accepted. You can target your ad to a specific category. Allowed me to post both this blog link (in the ad itself, allows much text), and the recruitment video link (my ASN URL). Looks to be nearly 100 targeted categories. I chose the business opportunities - money making category.The ad stays live for 1 year. This advertising site requires an area code to post. Not much information regarding what exactly it offers. Photos are accepted. Allows for a lot of text and HTML (advanced posting editor).Allows posting of video via embedded tag or link. Includes a location map (your location). Allowed me to post both links in the ad.

Day 05 - Wednesday 01/08/14 - Video Can Be Very Persuasive

A marketing campaign of any sort has to have a video component. Video is the most persuasive forms of advertising there is. On the internet video is the best. It can go viral, capturing thousands of views. I've heard people talking about YouTube videos in nightclubs. You can also be quite crafty in advertising methods with video on the internet.  I would not say that this is my area of expertise however, I will be trying a couple crafty things of my own. First off I'll be using TubeMogel, where there has been some changes. Through their site you are redirected to another site Similar dashboard, same function. I decided that I will use the three sample videos above and the text video that I made. This will save me a ton of work because all of the videos will be blasted out to about 6 to 8 of the major video sites. YouTube: DailyMotion: Metacafe: Veoh: Brightcove: Viddler: Vimeo Plus/Pro: IFoodTV: Facebook: Flickr: Photobucket: TripTV: Bing: StupidVideos: GrindTV: StreetFire: CarDomain: Vzaar: AOL ON: are the ones that I copied and pasted from my list. I'm sure they all won't go through. If I'm lucky 10 or so will, I choose to be a little conservative. The other method I'll try is to use a site called BUZZFEED to popularize and video and push it into potential viral status. Their pitch is: How to make $1,000 in 30 minutes. There is a BEYONCE Youtube video where she gives out $50 to all the shoppers at Wal-Mart that I'd like to use for this. Beyonce is a very popular R&B singer and it was likely a publicity stunt for her latest CD. I've posted both the Beyonce video and the BUZZFEED (2 parts) technique videos below for you to view.

Half Point Review And Assessment

I said that this would be a 10 Day Campaign and it most certainly will be. However, I would like to mention a couple of situations that I've encountered that should be addressed at this time. I may continue today, I may chill and reflect on this a bit. After I explain you will see why I took the approach that I have and luckily so. This allows me to look at things in progress and see if a change is required. In this case I deem it necessarily so. Things don't always go smoothly. Sometimes things happen that you do not expect or are confused as to why they happen. But fortunately, if a campaign is any good, it will do exactly what it is suppose to do. Tell you quickly and inexpensively if a product, project, plan, system is worth investing more time and or money into. And if changes are needed, it will have the means to inform you of that quickly along the way. Here are the details ... Sighs.

#1 I've shortened the URL's for several of the pages of the ASN site, about 8 or so. All of them have been flagged as spam by Twitter (probably other users). Meaning a lot of the Fiverr gigs may get blocked/flagged also, as they go through Twitter also. Perhaps I can renegotiate a gig or two over there. This is not good but by no means must things come to an end. It means that there must be a reevaluation of what is being done and how it is being done. The focus may have to be shifted to video marketing instead of Twitter. Maybe the affiliate route might be a better means or maybe a total reevaluation of the ASN role as a component in the marketing plan needs to be considered. I know that some of you out there already know the answer but I'm on my own here ... lol.

#2 I've noticed that some places don't like redirects. A redirect is when you have a link that takes you to a page prior to the landing page as they call it. The landing page is the blog, sales page, order form or what ever page is last. So technically, even though the site used to shorten the URL only intended use is for statistics, it does redirect. I wonder if this is the same view held for capture pages ... sheesh! It's funny how all the so called guru's leave so much out or due to changes, their techniques and advice becomes outdated so fast. All I can say is ... YOU"RE GETTING THE REAL DEAL HERE !!!

Seldom if ever do those who have succeeded tell you the real story. They never tell you the dozens of tiny little details that they had to figure out before they got things going smoothly. In this marketing plan I've done something very wise and quite clever. I owe it to mom. "Never put all of your eggs in one basket and always have a backup plan," her voice echos in my mind. Not only is this a learning experience, it is a crash course in how to position yourself to forge ahead at any resistance. Though the problems are big indeed (as I've thus far used Twitter as the funnel let's say), the fixes are quick and easy. Perhaps all traffic can be redirect through this blog first for example, I've had no problem there (wink). Perhaps I can divide the Twitter followers into groups with specific interests. So yes, I've a few hurtles to jump. But to be successful this is not where you give up. Its where you rethink things. Furthermore, if the campaign determines that this is not a good product idea it does not mean that the campaign theory is. It may mean that another type of product or service would be more suitable for this or another type of campaign. I NEED A BRIEF REST ... SIGHS!!!

Day 06 - Tuesday 01/28/14 - Commit To Submit

I am back and fully refreshed, ready to pound away until I see much more progress (than I already have). Stepping away for a bit shields you from the ill effects of the disappointment of failed expectations. Sometimes things take longer than you may expect. Besides, I have auctions to attend to (where I've always made plenty of money, and never made any money worth mentioning at anything else web related).

Something I should have done in the very beginning is site and link submissions. There are several types of submissions. Some submit your website URL to search engines only. Some will submit your site to other related sites. Some will submit your article to free for all (FFA) sites ... and the list goes on and on. As the object of this campaign is to get traffic, I chose to promote the traffic matrix/exchange sites ( , all of which promote traffic to this site. Additionally, I chose to promote individual pages of prodcts and services that are offered by ASN. Below you will find the services used and a brief outline of their requirements and use.

Link Station Free Submission Service - Free submission of website URL's to up to 8,000 FFA pages. Hard to know if this one is working, no indicator, but I thought it was worth a shot.

Submit URL FREE ( Submit URL Free -Submissions to a few major content related directories. Scans blog and provides back links to relevant content.

Submissions are not a one time thing, it should be done monthly at the very least. Some people may look at what I am doing and say, "That's a lot of work!" I know these people have had little or no success, it does not come easy. In my opinion ... I'M JUST GETTING STARTED! The ineffective procedures have to be weeded out and/or replaced with processes that are more effective. There has to be a component (schedule) set up to accommodate repetitive tasks. It would take a lot less time if I had a mentor that had verified information or sources. If I had a ton of experience, I would know. But I am on my own here. When all is said and done, I can be proud to have accomplished something on my own without one helpful tip from any individual that I know in real life (internet personalities don't count because I don't personally know them and I trust none).

Day 07 - Wednesday 01/29/14 - Get With The Program

One the best ways to consolidate tasks and trim hours from work is through the use of programs. These programs can consist of submitters, auto-responders, ad posters, ad trackers, statistics tools, etc... To do the things these programs do would take many hours if done manually. The most time consuming efforts in marketing is gathering & distributing information and tracking results as these things may involve many sources. Previously I've used web based submitters for the most part. I've chosen to use programs to assist in this effort. Below is a list of the current programs I am using.

NSAsoft FREE Website Submitter - Submits your URL to thousands of websites. NSAsoft also has a Link Submitter. They are easy to use and quick in their processing. It is easy to see it working as it has an indicator that shows the sites that it is posting to.

TrustJacker - In the above post involving BUZZFEED, you find a popular video and link it to a product for sale. An interesting technique however, after finding that hot video how long does it take to find a complimentary product? I think that it would take more than a couple of minutes if you don't already have it picked out. TrustJacker allows you to do the same without bouncing around from site to site to get it done. You may have to visit a couple sites but without it you would have to visit twice as many sites. This can be very time consuming if you have several campaigns running. This product requires web hosting services, something they don't tell you in its promotion.

Sick Marketing - Sick Submitter - Sick Submitter is the ultimate submission tool. It allows you to do the following submissions: Profile, RSS, Directory, Article, Bookmark, Blog, and Web 2.0 submissions. In addition to that it allows you to set up projects so you only have to set up submission or work parameters once. In future submissions you only have a few buttons to press to get all of the past procedures done.

Day 08 - Friday 01/31/14 - Auto-Mania

Another way to save valuable time is through automation. Most of us are familiar with automation through various programs such as submitters. However, not only are there quite a few overlooked programs that do other things, you can actually set up a automated and semi-automated systems that can help you be more efficient in your work.

Microsoft Outlook - One of the most time consuming things in internet marketing is sending and receiving email. Using MS Outlook allows you to automate numerous email tasks. Given a specific subject or sender you can send prearranged messages. Not quite an auto-responder but the next best thing to it. You can set up a Q&A form with keywords for the questions and have the automatically answered via email with the keyword in the subject line. This is great for customer relations.

Free Blog Post Traffic Generator - I have become very familiar with website and URL submitters to submit an entire site to search engines. There is a submitter that allows you to submit a single post from your website and have it indexed by Google. Imagine having 50 separate articles to post with different subjects ... All indexed and driving traffic to your blog. Now imagine how long it would take to get something like that done manually. This generator scans the post for content and does the rest for you with a few clicks and typing a few words.

Schedulers & Reminders - Often free and considered to be of little or no value these are a must have. With seemingly so many things to accomplish you should have a way of being reminded to do things because some submissions, ads, promotions, etc... are time sensitive.The best type by far is one that associates with a standard calendar (with days of week) and has a sync function to sync to your smart phone. This is especially useful for those ad submissions that do not automatically renew.

Auto-responders - The auto-responder can be used for more than just automatic response to emails. If you have a 10 chapter ebook on how to sell digital products you can turn it into a 10 day training course by setting up the chapters to be delivered daily for example. All that is needed is for the receiver to sign up. Links for downloads, coupons, and associated products, just to name a few things, can all be delivered automatically with a good auto-responder.

Day 09 - Monday 02/03/14 - Summary

Internet marketing is an ongoing process. In that process new techniques are stumbled upon, better ways of doing things are encountered, new software is announced, and a host of other things occur. At this point it is time to gear up to do it all again, like a cycle. But first a little discussion of the results and possible changes to be considered. I fully understand that for things like this it takes time and preconceived notions of automatic success is a sure road to stifle one's motivation to continue. Below are the graphs that illustrate the traffic surge and the general sources of said traffic.

RESULTS: To this point these are the following results. There has been a significant increase in traffic to this blog, almost 2,000 visitors since starting this post a month ago. The Fiverr gigs did next to nothing as far as exposure goes because of the shortened URL's being labeled as spam by Twitter. I could not get TubeMogel to work at all so video was pretty much non-existent. I actually came in under budget in promotional expenses. Below are the graphs from I think the figures are significantly lower than they could be had a couple things gone right. I've gotten a couple recruits. One is a long time friend (computer challenged). The other is from promotions. Income so far is zilch ($0) however, I did not expect any earnings for at least 60 days.

CHANGES: For the Fiverr gigs, I'll have to change the bitly URL's and perhaps use a little more caution when promoting on Twitter. The video aspect will have to be done manually. These are the two major changes that I feel must take place. Another that is of concern is to pinpoint exactly where a recruit comes from. My long time friend is easy, I have his phone number and we talk quit often. The other, who knows. My blog URL is posted under my ID (@Jazzmanjonesy) on Twitter. However, I don't know if that recruit came from Twitter, a web post (from which site?), this blog or an advertisement. This would be good to know in order to optimize my efforts and make them more efficient. Another thing to consider is that I may be expecting to much too soon. The search engine submissions (and other submissions) take time before they are fully effective. So time will be given for those things to get traction.

Day 10 - Wednesday 02/05/14 - Review

The true verdict is not in yet because there are still things to test and time sensitive aspects take time to realize the effectiveness. Also there is the rerun of things that did not work or were blocked. Also: Does buying from Walmart through the site really save you money? Until these things are established, I don't think I can give a fair Review. What I can say is: There is a glimmer of hope ... lol. I will continue diligently and provide a couple more posts as to status. Meantime there are a couple things worth mentioning.

In the process of promotions, as luck would have it, I ran across an opportunity similar to ASN. The site is a lot simpler (clean navigation), has similar offers, none of the apparent hype (making 1,000's of dollars), and just plain looks better. That site is: <== Online Profit For Dummies. Like I said earlier, the business model is a good one ... if it works. To make it work solely depends on the people behind it.

Secondly, it has been said by most marketers: If you intend to make any real money on the internet, you MUST have web hosting. That brings us to the next stage and backup plan to the campaign. This is where I bring in the digital products (Clickbank Products) and incorporate ASN if possible. I think now is the time to do this because I am reasonably secure in the fact that I am on the right track and I know what I am doing (I have had some promising successes here and in other areas). Web hosting may clear up a couple problem areas, the video aspect for example (I will be able to use TrustJacker). I'll also be able to use the best auto-resonders and capture pages. This will take my marketing efforts to a new level and perhaps reach higher levels of successes. The next stage will be continued in a separate post called "Digital Products Campaign".

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