Thursday, December 26, 2013

The "PREPARED" Internet Marketer

Internet marketing is a very fascinating field. Additionally, given a good plan and consistent application of it, the result can be quite rewarding. There are quite a few that have actually become so successful through internet marketing, that they were able to quit their regular jobs because the income they've earned was substantial enough for them to do so. I digress however, a good plan is nothing without the proper tools to implement it and make things happen. You can have a plan to build the world's most beautiful commercial office building. If you do not have the caterpillar, crane, bulldozer, dump truck, etc... You may have a very difficult time getting it built. If you are considering becoming an internet marketer there is a simple formula that dramatically increases your odds of success.

1) Education: Learn everything that you possibly can about the industry. There's no other way for you to determine and understand the challenges that you'll have to meet in order to be successful in the industry. It makes no sense to pursue something that you do not like, do not fully understand or do not have a passion for. Most people who are very successful, love and have a passion for what they do. When they are speaking about it, you can actually hear that passion in their voice if you listen carefully. Be mindful of what you "need" to know. Thinking that you "need" to know "everything" will put you in a perpetual state of learning, causing information overload. You'll be stuck learning and never doing anything. There has to come a point where you are satisfied that you know enough to get started. In the process of taking action the second stage of learning takes place. It is one of the most important stages of learning, known as experience.

2) Simplification: After you've gotten all of this information from the articles, books, videos, and gurus who like to toot their own horns and make you think they are so smart ... You have to simplify it so it is easy to digest and implement. Sometimes this can be done by simply applying those newly learned techniques and processes to current campaigns and or marketing endeavors. This is why the first step (education) is so important and necessary. You have to know how things are used and under what circumstances or conditions do they work best. Additionally, not many have ever become tremendously successful all alone, they have had colleagues, associates, affiliates, followers, and assistants. Simplification allows you to transfer ideas, plans, processes, procedures, techniques, methods, etc... with ease. What value does an assistant or colleague have if they are clueless to what you are talking about.

3) Plan: Not just a plan, "YOUR" plan. The only thing you will ever achieve by following another person's plan, is being two steps behind them. Following someone is not a bad thing. Eventually however, you will have to become independent and go off on your own. You have to develop "YOUR" own plan customized to meet "YOUR" specific expectations, goals, and desired achievements. In doing this you become a leader. As a leader, "YOU DON'T" do what others do, "YOU LEARN" from what others do ... And then apply it to your plan, system, campaign, etc...  People will follow you, ask your advice, seek your ideas and techniques thereby putting yourself two steps ahead of "THEM".

To most, this will sound easy, makes perfect sense, understandable ... UNTIL ... you get to number 3. How do you develop "YOUR" own customized plan? Easy ... Be prepared. In educating yourself you should also be learning about the tools that are required to get things done. You should save these tools. As these tools accumulate, and you understand their uses and applications, you will have acquired an arsenal that puts you at the epitome of readiness. In learning about a particular process or method, you "WILL" say to yourself, "Hey, I can use my auto-responder for this." -or- "Wow, I know I can use my website blaster for that." This is the spark that ignites the flame to developing a plan. I know this because it is exactly what I do and what happens to me. So ... Where and how, specifically, do you acquire this arsenal? EVERYWHERE !!! You just have to keep your eyes and ears open. Right here is a good place to start. I have found a site that literally gives you a few thousand dollars worth of marketing tools and materials absolutely FREE. I've downloaded them all and am providing them to you via my Dropbox (see Dropbox post). Included is a word document that not only has a link to the site but also has all of the links if you choose to only download the files of interest to you. The site is basically a page of links and descriptions. The downloads contain more information regarding the use of the programs etc... You will find auto-responders, article submitters, website blaster, landing page and capture page makers, and a host of other useful programs ebooks, scripts, and graphics that are useful to any internet marketer. The important thing to understand is that the materials are meant to be more like an archive of reference. They're not something that you have to be 100% familiar with in the collective. In other words, you don't have to know every page of every book cover to cover, just the basic functions of the tools. Unfortunately, the word document has a few of the downloads blocked out, don't know why, so you'll have to go to the site to get those. Check it out ... Download "001 The Ultimate Internet Marketers Tool Box" in the downloads section. Enjoy!

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