Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Announcing A New Category

Seasons Greetings All :) - I ran across this very interesting site called Fiverr (yes, same name at dot com of course). There are folks on this site that will do real work for you. The jobs or gigs as they are called range from providing "real" digital products such as eBooks or video courses, to marketing services, social media posts to thousands, etc...)  Not only could this be a great way to delegate work and get a huge amount of exposure inexpensively, it could also be a good means for "set it & forget it" type of campaign(s) to earn residual cash flows, which is what I intend to do. There are a few things that you will need in advance to get started which I will go over in my first post. The beauty of this site ... Free to join, free to list items for sale, and everything costs $5 bucks, hence the name Fiverr. The name of this new category is - The Fiverr Files.

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