Thursday, December 26, 2013

Announcing A New Category

It's one thing to provide real life experience. It's one thing to provide useful, meaningful, helpful information. But what is the worth or value? If you do not have the required tangible tools to make the information that you get directly through experience or indirectly via information "useable", it all becomes just another brick in the information overload wall. It's quite another thing to provide programs, digital products, promotional materials, videos, etc... that will help you get a job done or generally assist you in an agenda or improve your life or work. My intent is to provide such in the form of downloads. Web links and my Dropbox (see Dropbox post), will be used to offer real products to you that may actually help ... lol. Most people think that there is nothing FREE and if it is it has little worth or value. I say BULL! Not only have I found very helpful FREE things on the internet, I intend to prove beyond the shadow of the doubt just how helpful they are by giving them to you. Hopefully you'll comment on the blog or at least tell others where you got it. The name of this new category is "Downloads". Enjoy!

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