Saturday, July 5, 2014

The Corporation - The Whole Truth

Followup To The Weasel

A few posts back I wrote a small article regarding how Corporate America has seemingly weaseled its way into every aspect of our lives (see The Weasel), and its hardly far from over. Some major corporations are actually getting ownership rights and privileges to govern the essence of life itself, all forms of life including the human Geno double helix (human gene sequence) and parts thereof. Please forgive me if I have misspoken or given incorrect information, it is quite a complex subject. This three part documentary exposes all of the lies and dangers of the course of Corporate America. To put the icing on the cake, sort of speak, some of these corporations have become what is said to be too big to fail. Take a look at all of the problems that exist today and the source of those problems. To name a few, pollution, excess waste, global warming, the dying off of animal species, etc... Most can be directly attributed to corporate entities usurping of raw materials/minerals and the irresponsible dumping of waste. Legally the corporation is defined as an artificial person with most of the rights and privileges of a real person, but it's political power and deep pockets shadows the rights of any ordinary citizen. This documentary defines (personifies) the corporation as a pathological (crazy) beast. To conclude the documentary tries to examine some the answers that may help the situation and define the true roles of business, government and citizens.





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