Sunday, January 12, 2014


Did you know that a lot of the food that we eat in this country is genetically modified? Did you know that genetically modified foods have not truly been proven safe for consumption? Do you believe that we are what we eat? Documentaries like this can be quite disturbing. It makes you feel like both the government and corporate America are working together to eliminate us all. I for one would like to know what is being done to me. This documentary illustrates how the government is allowing Monsanto and other large corporations to play Russian Roulette with our health pretty much using us as guinea pigs. Playing games with mother nature swapping genes between species to yield not only larger crops but insect repellent and climate resilient crops without doing long term studies as to health consequences. The chemicals that we ingest stays in our bodies for a long period of time. Sometimes those chemicals are even passed on to our offspring. This country is the only country that is not required to label genetically modified organisms (GMO's as they're called). The possible health consequences are all listed in this enlightening documentary.




Saturday, January 11, 2014

3D Graphics On The Fly

~ Daz 3D ~


Some of you are aware that I love graphics. 3D graphics however, can be very time consuming and difficult to get just right. Especially from scratch. There's front, back, sides, top, and bottom views. In steps Daz 3D. Unlike Blender, Daz 3D has tons of scenes, models, clothing, and body parts, etc... in a data base available for you to use. Needless to say, rendering (drawing of the subject) is a snap. Hardly any lag or waiting time. Where as with Blender you may have to wait as long as a few hours for it to render your image depending on your processor speed and pixel density (resolution). In Daz 3D the resolution is fully adjustable. The image above is not my work. But it is featured on Deviant Art if I'm not mistaken. Her name is Nadia and she is one of the featured model modules. Daz 3D is free to start with a couple of models to work with. They charge extra fees for additional modules. Those modules consist of different, males, females, creatures, scenes, and props. The modules are very reasonably priced and there are specials and discounts being offered all the time (freebies are offered quite frequently). Everything from eye, hair and skin color to position, expression and dimension can be manipulated through its use. Though very good, unfortunately the imagery is not as lifelike as with Blender (see Blender post). The flagship features of Daz 3D is it's short learning curve and the ease of use in it's application. You can become quite proficient using Daz 3D in 2 to 3 weeks for the computer savvy, while it would take you at least 6 months to a year to become proficient using Blender ... at the very least even if you have "some" 3D modeling experience. Below is another example of the images that you can produce with Daz 3D. Notice the detail of the cargo pants. Google Images for it. Some of the work is absolutely awesome. Additionally, there is an animation engine included. The animations are simple movement like sitting, walking, running however you can link them together and manipulate them to create an entire animated scene. If you decide to give it a try and like it, give me a holler, I have tons of modules. If you ask nicely perhaps I'll share a couple with you (wink).

Sunday, January 5, 2014

What A Wonderful Way To Start The Year

The Blog Is Apparently A Success :)


First and foremost I'd like to thank you. As quiet as you are I know that you are here. I know because the numbers are going up. Yesterday there were close to 500 visitors. You have clicked the Google AdSense advertisements and I have earned a couple of dollars. Closer to $2.50 in one day to be exact. I know because I am forbidden to click for myself. The blog has been around nearly six months and has only earned a few pennies prior to yesterday. It doesn't cost you anything to do it and it helps me a lot, so again, my thanks. I've actually earned money before spending anything. This exceeds my initial expectations tremendously because I did not expect to make anything at all. I attribute most of the current attention to my All Solutions Network posts. I actually spoke with my ASN sponsor Chris Johnson, and he seemed to be a little impressed. Thank you for your encouragement Chris. Instead of breaking the ASN blog posts up, I chose to keep it in one long post so it would remain chronologically in tact (day 1, day 2 , day 3 , etc...). There has been a lot of outside promotion and marketing agenda which include this blog. And there is much more to come. Please come again, come often, stick around and watch a documentary, spread the word, but most of all ... ENJOY !!! THANK YOU.

Thursday, January 2, 2014

The Book That Inspired A Novel

Plotting And Writing Suspense Fiction  By  Patricia Highsmith


I've written poetry since the tender age of 10. I'm told that I'm pretty good now. I met this woman that wrote suspense literature. I was not very impressed because of her atrocious spelling and improper use of context. I met another published author who wrote adult literature. Though I was not very impressed with her work either, the fact remained that she was published. Additionally, she heard my poetic verse and assured me that I could write a novel as she had done so many times. Then I ran across this book by Patricia Highsmith. Though the title sounds rather instructional ... She actually takes you on a journey from beginning to end in the "process" of writing a novel. She tells you how to defeat writer's block (which I actually fell victim to during the process of writing my book), where inspiration comes from, how to stay prepared for those ideas when they come rushing in, how to organize plots and scenes, and the list goes on and on. She is most known for the movie adaptations of her novels, "The Talented Mr. Ripley And Strangers On A Train." Prior to reading this wonderful book I had said to myself, "How difficult can writing a book be with my experience in poetry?" Believe me, it is an entirely different experience. Writing the book nearly consumed me totally. Seemed my every thought every day was completing the next scene, or completing the next chapter, introducing a new character, or creating a conflict for the main character to overcome. All inspired by this book. Writing a book can seem to be a daunting task. Reading this book beforehand not only made it seem easier, it took me through the process and showed me how to get the job done. It inspired me to write an adult novel called The Masseur And The Masseuse. This as yet unpublished work of fiction covers a snapshot in the life of a couple that try to make the best of their relationship in the seedy side of the massage industry. In the midst of drugs, prostitution, lies, deceit, jealousy, a murder and a host of other wicked entanglements they try their best to make it work. The trials and tribulations that life present are painted upon an urban tapestry of adult themes and subject matter. When things seem their brightest, darkness looms ahead. In the gloom of the darkness there's light at the end of the tunnel. Thank you Pat for bringing out the best in my writing.

002 The Ultimate Internet Marketers Tool Box - Part 2

I cannot over emphasize the importance of being prepared when it comes to internet marketing. There should not have to be a ton of things that you have to figure out in order to launch a campaign. As you discover or are introduced to a product, service or system, triggers should go off in your mind as to which tools are applicable and appropriate to effectively market those products or systems. Therefore, I've followed up The Ultimate Internet Marketers Tool Box with many more resources. There are over 500 links to tools, systems, documents, programs, websites, etc... This second Tool Box is geared more towards the "experienced" internet marketer as there are resources for PPC (Pay Per Click), CPA (Click Per Action), SEO (Search Engine Optimization), and a host of other useful tools for the advanced internet marketer. These tools are in the form of a downloadable web page which should be viewable by all.

Get It Here ==>