Sunday, January 12, 2014


Did you know that a lot of the food that we eat in this country is genetically modified? Did you know that genetically modified foods have not truly been proven safe for consumption? Do you believe that we are what we eat? Documentaries like this can be quite disturbing. It makes you feel like both the government and corporate America are working together to eliminate us all. I for one would like to know what is being done to me. This documentary illustrates how the government is allowing Monsanto and other large corporations to play Russian Roulette with our health pretty much using us as guinea pigs. Playing games with mother nature swapping genes between species to yield not only larger crops but insect repellent and climate resilient crops without doing long term studies as to health consequences. The chemicals that we ingest stays in our bodies for a long period of time. Sometimes those chemicals are even passed on to our offspring. This country is the only country that is not required to label genetically modified organisms (GMO's as they're called). The possible health consequences are all listed in this enlightening documentary.




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