Sunday, January 5, 2014

What A Wonderful Way To Start The Year

The Blog Is Apparently A Success :)


First and foremost I'd like to thank you. As quiet as you are I know that you are here. I know because the numbers are going up. Yesterday there were close to 500 visitors. You have clicked the Google AdSense advertisements and I have earned a couple of dollars. Closer to $2.50 in one day to be exact. I know because I am forbidden to click for myself. The blog has been around nearly six months and has only earned a few pennies prior to yesterday. It doesn't cost you anything to do it and it helps me a lot, so again, my thanks. I've actually earned money before spending anything. This exceeds my initial expectations tremendously because I did not expect to make anything at all. I attribute most of the current attention to my All Solutions Network posts. I actually spoke with my ASN sponsor Chris Johnson, and he seemed to be a little impressed. Thank you for your encouragement Chris. Instead of breaking the ASN blog posts up, I chose to keep it in one long post so it would remain chronologically in tact (day 1, day 2 , day 3 , etc...). There has been a lot of outside promotion and marketing agenda which include this blog. And there is much more to come. Please come again, come often, stick around and watch a documentary, spread the word, but most of all ... ENJOY !!! THANK YOU.

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