Sunday, February 23, 2014

Bitcoin - The Currency Of The Future

New Money = Bitcoin

What is Bitcoin? If I had to describe it in one word that word would be, "eCurrency." There has been a lot said about it, good and bad. Bitcoin is a new "electronic" financial instrument (medium of exchange) if you will, that can be bought, sold, traded, and in some areas used just as hard currency is used today. It has only been around a few years, since 2008, and already it has taken off. Since it's creation it has increased in value about 900% and growing. What is the potential power of Bitcoin? How about buying a house or a business with bitcoin? If you think it is not possible, it already has been done. There's a guy that says he even pays rent with Bitcoin. I've posted a couple videos on how the government and The Federal Reserve plays around with the value of money (see WATCH THIS !!! label). With Bitcoin there is no central entity (like the central bank) that governs the rules of play when it comes to value. That being said, the so called currency is not trouble free. Conversely, it cannot be easily manipulated by a handful of super wealthy individuals as in areas of our current financial system can. Remember this ... Whenever there is talk about a new money system, high stakes master swindlers are not far behind. What could possibly be more masterful than stealing something that has an "imaginary" value, getting rich while doing it, and having no legal backlash to even think about? Don't feel bad, I can't think of anything else either.

Another Bitcoin company bites the dust ~~>




Future Applications Of 3D Printing



When I first heard about 3D printing I said, "I can print a new coffee mug, how cool is that." That was a few years ago (about 5 or 6). Though the technology is still in it's infancy and not yet affordable to the average consumer some interesting things have developed. Not only with the technology itself but also in how the things that can be created will be accepted from a legal and political standpoint. These printers can be used in the manufacturing, surgical implant, weaponry, and many other industries. You can literally print anything you want in the privacy of your own home. Imagine being able to print a human kidney or an AK-47 assault rifle in your home. The political and legal ramifications for doing such are huge. Now ... Imagine a 14 year old doing it. A 14 year old probably couldn't afford it but, this child may have access to the parents home office when they are at work or away. It is a very interesting and promising technology however, I think there are still a lot of things that have to be worked out from the consumer's position. Might the government allow or enact the monitoring of Printer IP addresses to ensure American citizens a sense of security over possible terrorist use of this technology, for example? The reason this technology is so revolutionary is because it will literally allow for the manufacturing of products in the home.




Saturday, February 15, 2014

Empire 598II Troubadore



In it's day this turntable was touted to be the best thing dollar for dollar to play vinyl recordings (albums) on. I first saw this in a magazine with catered to stereo enthusiasts called "Stereo Review". That was back around 1975 and the magazine has long since been defunct. The magazine was not specifically geared to the high end enthusiast or audiophile but more towards the discerning listener for sure. However, many audiophiles relish this turntable. I was about 16 or 17 years old then, and this baby cost a cool $500.00. Hell, I was a teenager and did not have the means to afford such a machine, but I loved what I saw and fully understood the specs. I was hoping that I could find one on the cheap one day. However, over the years I noticed that it has retained it's full value.

I love to frequent thrift stores, so many discarded treasures can be found at these places. I actually lived a couple blocks from one called AMVETS, short for American Veterans. It was much like a Goodwill store but, the prices were much better. I'd visit this store at least once a week. Some folks even went there to buy things for resale, a lot of the items were new also. It actually helped me become the best dressed man in my neighborhood ... on the cheap. Example: Genuine alligator shoes for $7.49. They looked like they may have been worn about 6 times, good enough for me (smiles). Another: A half length genuine shearling coat for $35.00. It was a little soiled when purchased and it cost me more to get it cleaned than I paid for it. I've been told that it looks new now. They can be found at high end fashion stores for around $500.00+. Additionally, the place worked much like the Goodwill, exclusively by donations. Sometimes people would leave things out for the store when it was closed. I would go by and look what was out, and found old busted computers. I'd collect a couple and breathe life back into them. It's actually how I began to learn how to rebuild computers. Later of course, I took a much more professional approach and downloaded service manuals and rebuilt them by the book (wink).

While visiting one day ... Low and behold I saw the Empire. I knew what it was right away. I could not believe my eyes. It was nearly mint and it had a cartridge. I looked over my shoulder to see if anyone else had noticed, apparently not. Since the advent of CD players, many don't see the value (except DJ's) in turntables. I did not waste any time inspecting it because of the condition and price. I quickly took it to the cashier to purchase it. Total cost: $29.96 plus tax.

One caveat, when I got it home and took the time to inspect it, I found that there was a missing part. It has a head shell mount that attaches the cartridge (needle) to the tonearm head which was missing. It took me over a year to find it on eBay. The head shell mount cost as much as I paid for the turntable, maybe more I forgot exactly how much. It is now complete.


The machine itself is a timeless design of art. If I am not mistaken it has been featured in The American Institute Of Art, designed and manufactured here in the great state of New York hence Empire (The Empire State). It has a genuine rosewood frame. It's counterbalance and other mechanisms are meticulously designed to flawless production. There is a cult following of collectors that can be found in many places on the web. There are even artisans that fabricate custom parts for this machine. Replacing the plexiglass dust cover with real glass for example. It has a 20 pound belt driven platter to ensure a stable speed and eliminate wow and flutter (technical terms for feedback and distortion). You can replace the tonearm with any tone arm you desire. Many don't like it's design and assume it's bulky appearance effects the sound, but that is merely an opinion and has not been scientifically proven through engineering benchmarks. It is still a wonderful machine and a thing of sheer beauty in operation. I believe if not considered to be an antique it is on the edge of being classified as such because it's value is now increasing. Mine is possibly 40 years old and in nearly mint condition.

Below you will find photos (click to enlarge) of my actual machine purchased nearly 7 years ago with the actual price in grease pencil (currently removed). The photo in the header (with the chipped corner on the dust cover's rosewood frame is not mine, but a web photo). I have also included links to three eBay auctions giving you an idea of current value. I could only find 3, 2 for $800.00 and another for $1,500.00. Am I considering selling? HELL NO !!! Well ... Not right now anyway :)



There are 3 different 598 models ... 598, 598 II & 598 III along with other models (298, 398, 498 and 698). They are basically of similar design with minor differences in specs and or placement of mechanisms to give better performance or for esthetic purposes.

Friday, February 14, 2014

Announcing A New Category

Hidden Treasures

It is often said that: One man's trash is another man's treasure. These treasures can be found in many places. From your neighbors trash, to the bargain bin at a discount store, to a yard sale. There is no telling what this treasure might be. You have to have a good eye for it and make informed decisions based on your knowledge of specific items. It is best to study popularity of items that fit into a specific group. For personal use however, the choice to acquire depends solely on your specific wants, needs, and desires. Under most circumstances the average individual will not see the value or use in such things. This new category "Hidden Treasures" will explore such things and attempt to get you to understand the esoteric nature of such ventures.