Sunday, February 23, 2014

Future Applications Of 3D Printing



When I first heard about 3D printing I said, "I can print a new coffee mug, how cool is that." That was a few years ago (about 5 or 6). Though the technology is still in it's infancy and not yet affordable to the average consumer some interesting things have developed. Not only with the technology itself but also in how the things that can be created will be accepted from a legal and political standpoint. These printers can be used in the manufacturing, surgical implant, weaponry, and many other industries. You can literally print anything you want in the privacy of your own home. Imagine being able to print a human kidney or an AK-47 assault rifle in your home. The political and legal ramifications for doing such are huge. Now ... Imagine a 14 year old doing it. A 14 year old probably couldn't afford it but, this child may have access to the parents home office when they are at work or away. It is a very interesting and promising technology however, I think there are still a lot of things that have to be worked out from the consumer's position. Might the government allow or enact the monitoring of Printer IP addresses to ensure American citizens a sense of security over possible terrorist use of this technology, for example? The reason this technology is so revolutionary is because it will literally allow for the manufacturing of products in the home.




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