Sunday, February 23, 2014

Bitcoin - The Currency Of The Future

New Money = Bitcoin

What is Bitcoin? If I had to describe it in one word that word would be, "eCurrency." There has been a lot said about it, good and bad. Bitcoin is a new "electronic" financial instrument (medium of exchange) if you will, that can be bought, sold, traded, and in some areas used just as hard currency is used today. It has only been around a few years, since 2008, and already it has taken off. Since it's creation it has increased in value about 900% and growing. What is the potential power of Bitcoin? How about buying a house or a business with bitcoin? If you think it is not possible, it already has been done. There's a guy that says he even pays rent with Bitcoin. I've posted a couple videos on how the government and The Federal Reserve plays around with the value of money (see WATCH THIS !!! label). With Bitcoin there is no central entity (like the central bank) that governs the rules of play when it comes to value. That being said, the so called currency is not trouble free. Conversely, it cannot be easily manipulated by a handful of super wealthy individuals as in areas of our current financial system can. Remember this ... Whenever there is talk about a new money system, high stakes master swindlers are not far behind. What could possibly be more masterful than stealing something that has an "imaginary" value, getting rich while doing it, and having no legal backlash to even think about? Don't feel bad, I can't think of anything else either.

Another Bitcoin company bites the dust ~~>




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