Saturday, March 1, 2014

Travel Around The World ... Kinda Sorta

Microsoft Flight Simulator X


One of the greatest PC Gaming values there ever was and arguably still is ... remains to be the classic Microsoft Flight Simulator. Version X (10) in 2006 is where unfortunately it's popularity began to decline. It is now discontinued but by the grace of "The Gamer GODS" it is still widely available. You can find it almost anywhere online and even at many software stores. You can find many forums online with group discussions regarding this challenging game of skill and precision. Coming in at an average whopping $20 complete and the highest level of "Gamer's Punmanship" I can contrive: You can't beat that with a stick!

There is an accelerator expansion pack. Many other plugins can be found online. These plugins include things such as: Famous Airports, Worldwide Attractions, NASA Aircraft, War Aircraft, and a plethora of special missions. There are a host of beginner, intermediate, and expert flying lessons. The cockpit and scenery can be fine tuned to a HD format giving a very realistic appearance. Though not required it is best to use a joystick with this software. The model that I use is the Microsoft Sidewinder Joystick.

Cockpit Dash

City Of London

Visit places like Cairo Egypt, JFK Airport, or fly helicopters and passenger aircraft such as 747 and 757 jumbo jets. I could go on and on about the aircraft and designated arrival locations but let me assure you that there are plenty and they are quite varied. Additionally there are skill levels where you are required to complete increasingly more difficult flight patterns/missions. The difficulties include anything from turbulent weather to poor visibility. Unlike games that require speed and agility, this game requires patience and a steady hand. It will definitely bring out the "COOL" in you. You can adjust to several different views while flying. As you take the flying lessons to increase your skill level, awards, metals, and wings are earned. 3rd party hardware accessories such as a flight yoke, 3 lever throttle, and flight rudder pedals are available to give an even more realistic feel to the game. One of the best things about this game is, you don't need a $3500.00 computer to get the best out of it. It will run absolutely fine on a simple dual core machine with a plain vanilla graphics card right out of the box.

My final twisted thought, you should have known it was coming ... HA! A good friend of mine asked me if Flight Simulator is a "GAME"? My opinion of that straddles the fence. There has been a recent national news broadcast, and a few in the past years regarding terrorist using this "GAME" to learn how to fly aircraft and to learn specific flight patterns/maneuvers (it is quite accurate). This is indicative to me of raising the bar a little bit above "just a game".

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