Friday, July 5, 2013

America ... A nation that's lost it's way.

America ... 

A nation that's lost it's way. 


That is the title of an interesting new book by home town native and former NFL Buffalo Bills football player Joseph V. Kulbacki. Once I started reading it I could hardly put it down. I love the way the author compares and contrasts the American economic system to that of the Roman Empire. According to Kulbacki, all characteristics being the same ... we are near the end. I would not call this a tale of gloom and doom ... but a prognostication of what the future may bring, a wake up call if you will. He laments over the evolving demise of our nation; as values, traditions, economic and personal freedoms are being placed in great peril. His concern is that a price must be paid for our disobedience and misdirection and this burden will be placed on future generations. This nation is a far cry from that envisioned by the founding fathers. This book catalogs historic truth into America's heritage and steadfast principles, which were once the foundation of our country's prosperity and power. Without question ... A GOOD READ.

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